Farmers market season, goodness there is so much to LOVE about it!! We are very blessed in this region to have a wide variety of markets to chose from and there are many locations which is an additional bonus. I always love seeing the local community going to these markets and supporting the vendors therein supporting local families. Below you will find the various markets in the Spokane and C'da region and their hours. You can clink on each market to be taken directly to their website, Instagram or Facebook page.
Hillyard farmers market 3-7PM
Fairwood farmers market 3-7PM
Spokane farmers market 8AM-1PM
Kendall Yards night market 5-8PM
Millwood farmers market - 3-7PM
Farmers market at Sandpoint 3-5:30PM
South Perry farmers market 3-7PM
Emerson-Garfield farmers market 3-7PM
Spokane Valley farmers market 5-8PM
Spokane farmers market 8AM-1PM
Liberty Lake farmers market 9AM-1PM
Wonder Building farmers market 10AM-2PM
Kootenai county farmers market 9AM-1:30PM
Image used courtesy of Rogue Heart Media