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Hello there, I'm Sarah! It's lovely of you to stop by.  Wouldn't it be fun to sit down with a cup of coffee in hand and a plate of delicious pastries and get to know each other? Well since time and distance doesn't always allow for that, let me introduce myself and tell you a little about me and my world.  

I'm married to my best friend who is also my favorite fellow foodie. We have 3 precious kiddos together. All three of our kids are well on their way to becoming foodies themselves which makes us very happy. 

I love people and I love food and love how food brings people together, creates connection and facilitates memories to be treasured. This is something that's very special and close to my heart. I am constantly inspired by the way that food is a central part of so many of the special moments in our lives.

In addition to being a food enthusiast I love making new friends, I'm a gardener, a hopeless romantic, I'm a big time podcast nerd, writer of letters, reader of books, list maker, nap lover, perpetual planner and I love good conversations and quality time with family and friends. 

I would love to get to know you, if you have time shoot me a note and tell me a little something about yourself.